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People have to feel good so that motivation can arise.


Spaces can promote creativity, efficiency and productivity.


With what we do, we create places that feel good. For people.

Das Bild zeigt eine moderne Büroumgebung, wo zentral zwei Telefonzellen von König+Neurath stehen. Die Telefonzellen haben Türen aus Glass. Im Hintergrund ist ein kleiner Loung Bereich in den Farben blau, grau gehalten, und eine Schreibtischreihe vor einen riesigen Fenster.

Office worlds, social worlds, knowledge worlds

Hauser Office Design offers you solutions for your individual needs – from optimal space planning and suitable office furniture to ideal lighting and room acoustics. We accompany you on the way to your furnishing solution.

What we do, we can do. We don't do anything we can't master.

Across Germany, we design more than

9,000 workplaces

Updates & Insights

Do you have an idea or a specific project? Challenge us!

Explain your project to us Benefit from
our experience and find
the best way with us.