Events & Co, Insight

The idea of Music Loves Design

Christian von Hauser, Florian von Aqua Monaco und Michael von Thonet die auf der Bühne stehen und einen Vptrag halten.

As you could read in our last Insight, we had the pleasure of celebrating the premiere of Music Loves Design with you. Together with our partners Poet Audio and Thonet, the event kicked off at 6.30 pm at the Aqua Monaco premises in Munich Haidhausen.

In this article, we will tell you how the “love story” of the event series began and how the event came to life.

Want to see and hear it live? Just take a look at the following story.

Perhaps you had as much fun reading this as we did organising it. We’re already looking forward to the next event in 2024 – stay tuned! 😊

Best regards, Giulia

Click here for the blog with impressions and the after video of Music Loves Design 2023.

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